Memberships and Afflications
Global Network/
Memberships and Afflications
Narxoz University is a member or affiliate of major international organizations such as the:
Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA)
American Chamber of Commerce in Kazakhstan (AmCham)
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business - Global Business Network (AACSB)
Baltic Management Development Association (BMDA)
British Chamber of Commerce in Kazakhstan
Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE)
Eurasian Association of Universities
European Business Association of Kazakhstan (EUROBAK)
European Council for Business Education (ECBE)
European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD Global)
International Association of Law Schools (IALS)
International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ICHRIE)
Russian Association of Business Education (RABE)
Narxoz also actively cooperates with leading international education organizations such as the American Councils for International Education, the Bolashak International Scholarship program, and the British Council, and we are signers of the United Nations Global Compact - Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) and the Magna Charta Universitatum.